VRZ Baden-Württemberg
Development of a nationwide traffic computer center software

The Federal Republic of Germany has been organised the development of a nationwide software for traffic computer centers (VRZ) for the last years.
The aim is to provide a modular software package for companies that build traffic guidance systems. So the compatibility, the connectivity and the effectiveness of these systems will significantly increased
The stepwise development of the single software moduls for the planned overall system is realised by concrete projects of several German states.
When the project starts only the core system of the nationwide software was available as base for the development of further software components.

The development of important segments for the nationwide software was and will be realised in combination with the construction of the traffic control center Baden-Württemberg, named VRZ3.
Further projects will follow this one to complete the VRZ Baden-Württemberg and the nationwide traffic software system.
The developed software will be provided by the Federal information and documentation department for traffic control centers.
The project contained the development of 32 software units, their integration in the VRZ core system on the target hardware as well as the transfer to use the resulting VRZ system with the configuration of the existing connections to the traffic census points on the highways and roads of Baden-Württemberg.