Optimal capability of the local route network NBA B296/ B463

Due to the use of the network control system B296/B463, OD Calw, the capability of the local route network is optimally utilized by targeted traffic detour. So high-frequency sections are relieved.
The traffic is detoured to alternative routes due to the optimal control of message signs if there is any trouble on the usual route. Detour possibilities are displayed on the dynamic signs.
Beside automatic and manual control, the system also provides the possibility to show the strain and the condition of the variable message signs and do statistical studies.
The center of the network control system consist of a traffic computer /server and two workstations.
The traffic computer receives data via the communication processor island bus (KRI), processes them and send the resulting operation commands via KRI to the message signs. The server does the processing and the administration of all data. The workstations are used for system monitoring and controlling.
The central computer in the department of roads communicates with TLS via data concentrators with 12 control stations and 6 message signs. The short-term data are processed in one minute intervals. Due to a statistic traffic model, congestion forecasts are generated. Depending on the traffic conditions, alternative routes will be set and further monitored.
Remote operation stations are located at the police Calw.
The network control system is based on the process control system FlexCtrl that already contain key elements for traffic monitoring and controlling. These are among others:
- process administration
- real-time database with ring buffers for current data
- server for internal formula linkage and event generation
- history programs for the storage of historical values and events
- log programs
- TLS communication programs for the coupling of monitoring stations