SCADA process control system FlexCtrl
The basis for the automation solutions is the process control system software FlexCtrl. It combines in its latest version 6 the proven qualities of real-time capability, distribution, modularity and scalability with modern requirements like object orientation and browser support.
FlexCtrl is distributed as modular product family. So it is available for all automation companies as effective basis for product development.
FlexCtrl is a capable, object orientated, high scalable system for the automation of technological processes.
The use of user defined structure types, graphical classes, alert classes, embedded IEC61131-3 code and additional innovative techniques allows the realisation of extensive projects in a easy, fast and service friendy way.
The biggest FlexCtrl project has been implemented in 2002. It contain more than 250.000 process variables, alerts and messages.
In comparation: The smallest FlexCtrl project needed only 10 process with 2MB RAM and 2MB Flash.