bitcontrol® Forcasting Server
The bitcontrol® Forecasting Server is a cross sector system for forcasting different historical values like gas and water consumption, electricity, traffic density and so on.

The forecasting system stands out especially for the following properties:
Platform independence
The bitcontrol® Forecasting Server is based on Java and PostgreSQL and works under Linux/Unix, Windows, Mac and so on.
Process control system independence
The bitcontrol® Forecasting Server can be easily connected to each OPC, OPC-UA or XML-RPC supported process control system (e.g. FlexCtrl, PVSS II, WinCC). Special connections can be developed if needed.
Media and usage independence
The bitcontrol® Forecasting Server is suitable ideal for forcasting different process variables (e.g. gas, energy and water consumption, traffic flow and access history) and time-variant measurands.
Different mathematical data analysis processes like multi variant regression analysis, timeline analysis and time variation curve analysis are used at the same time. This allows optimal forcasting of different process characteristics, among others:
- depending on one or several diect influence values (e.g. temperature, air humidity, wind on engery consumption)
- depending on the own history
- depending only on time
The execution of the implemented forcasting routines rund parallel in the system.
The best procedure will be selected automatically for the detailed use forecasting. Alternatively, a learned and weighted combination af all procedures can result the use forcasting. The historical quality of the forcasting procedures is the basis for the tuning of the weight or selection rule for the use of the best dynamic procedure.
High availibitity / redundancy
The bitcontrol® Forecasting Server is redundancy capable and can be used parallel on two server. The forecasting models are inside redundant PostgreSQL databases.