Sub-centers (UZ) for toll and traffic counting systems (DZ)

A sub-center for traffic counting systems was built in the Betriebsdienstzentrale München Freimann in the Land of Bavaria in 1997. Since this time, the system has been regularly enlarged with additional traffic counting systems. The project is based on the proprietary process control system FlexCtrl by BitCtrl.
Furthermore BitCtrl realised the sub-centers for toll and traffic counting systems in the Betriebsdienstzentrale Neumünster in the Land of Schleswig-Holstein. This sub-center was realised on the basis of the federal software for traffic control centers.
Proprietary BitCtrl developments like the software units for data communication (KEx-TLS over GPRS, GSM and SMS), data verification, data archiving, statistical analyses, BAST data export and reimport inclusive sending and reception of e-mails as well as the usage and visualisation were implemented in both sub-centers.