Sub-center (UZ) for network control systems

Development, project planning, parameterisation and delivery of a complete sub-center with operating computers based on the core software according to BLAK-VRZ (data distributor) as well as the development and integration of propietary software units (Eclipse based GUI, extentions KExc, archive, data distributor Oracle connection and so on) were contents of the project NBA A2 Hannover-West and -Ost.
The services included data collection and data preparation, control algorithms, graphical user interface, logging and analysis according to TLS, data management and archiving, communication with external systems via TLSoIP, project planning and parameterisation.
Furthermore, BitCtrl realised the sub-center for the network control system (NBA) A1, A7, A21 and B205 in cooperation with the company DAMBACH-WERKE GmbH (SWARCO Group).